Winter Olympics 2014


The Olympics features all-different kinds of sports, there are so many you can watch. We hold the Olympics in a different country every four years. The four years switch off from the Summer Olympics to the Winter Olympics.

From my point of view I enjoy watching the Summer Olympics more than the Winter Olympics. Other than ice skating and skiing I find the other sports boring and not as entertaining. In the summer they have gymnastics, swimming, diving, and track. I find these events more interesting and suitable for me.

This year the Olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. Many American competitors were conflicting whether to go or not due to all of the violence. There have been toothpaste bombs and other weapons that could seriously injure a competitor.

Many other things can injure an Olympic athlete; falling can hurt an athlete when they are coming down a hill at 50 mph. Bailing can also be a harsh injury. Bailing is pointed towards ski jumps or snowboard jumps. It is when you are doing a trick for example a flip and then all of a sudden in the middle of the trick you decide to give up. With difficult stunts it is very dangerous to bail out, leading most of these people to land on their backs, bottoms and upper body.

The Olympics also brings the country closer, everyone routing for the same team. This is usually divided into states but now having the Olympics being national, our country is celebrated as a whole. You can bet that almost everyone is watching the Olympics when it first comes on the television. It’s exciting and fun, being able to watch your fellow citizen compete on TV against the best in the world. I think that the Olympics inspire many young athletes to strive and reach the stars.

I hope you enjoyed my opinion on the Olympics,



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