
Do you thing cheerleading is a sport? Take this quick poll so I know what you’re thinking.


Now if you said “no way” your wrong. Cheerleading is actually a sport believe it or not. Cheerleading takes endurance and strength, a usual stereotypical cheerleader is pretty, dumb and blonde. But actually cheerleading consists of a huge variety of people. These people are able to lift people up in a “stunt group” and do aerobic skills in the air. If you don’t understand where I’m going with this check out the picture below.


Now do you get it? These are called partner stunts and they take extreme difficulty to do, it also uses up a lot of energy, so it builds your endurance.

If you still don’t believe cheerleading is a sport, then let’s should compare it to some other ones. In football boys run around a field throwing and catching a ball, in cheerleading girls run around a mat throwing and catching people. In gymnastics girls and boys tumble on a mat cheerleaders also do this. Thus cheerleading is just like any sport, just may take a bit longer to learn.

Here’s a video of a cheer competition, if you’re not impressed after watching this, I don’t know what to tell you!

Amazing right! This is the Smoed California All-Star team. This team is the best of the best. It’s one of my favorite cheerleading teams. The team consists of ages ten to eighteen and two coaches.

Anyways if you couldn’t guess, I am a cheerleader. I may not be as good as those girls but I am a cheerleader at my high school, though I haven’t been cheerleading for long I instantly fell in love with the sport. Gymnastics was my life for seven years straight but it started to become a bore, so when I arrived at high school I decided to cheer, knowing that gymnastics was still consistent in routines. And for one year of practicing the sport, I love it.

I hope you liked this blog,



  1. My older sister was a cheerleader last year during her senior year in high school. Although I am not a cheerleader and she wasn’t a good cheerleader, I understand how much effort they put in. I watched her work extremely hard to get some muscle and flexibility. She often lifted my litter sister as practice. She wish someone can lift her up, but… Every time when she had noting to do she would based my littler sister, and said “I miss cheerleading.”

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