Christmas Rush


The jolly time of Christmas is just around the corner, its about to fly by with the New Year. The rush is on to start stocking up on the wrapping paper and candy canes, cutting down Christmas trees and buying the honey hickory ham, and calling the family together and eating a grand Christmas meal on the eve. Better hurry twelve days can zoom by in what feels like a second.

When I was little I always remember that Christmas morning adrenaline. Throwing the covers over my legs and jumping out of bed at the crack of dawn. I would sprint into the living room and check to see if Santa ate his cookies and drank his milk. Then I would dive for the presents under the Christmas tree scattering all of them to find the ones with a “J” on it. I would shred the wrapping paper racing my siblings, and discovering the secret gifts that were for me. For the rest of the day I would play with my new doll or stuffed animal sitting by the tree, my dad would put up a nice, warm fire and we would listen to Christmas music all day.

Merry Christmas,




As November ended and December is finally here, the fun of Christmas break, New Years and snow begins. We have raked up all the orange and red leaves from our lawn to leave a fresh foundation for the delicate white snow. I love the first snowfall. Especially when it happens over night, you wake up to a bright, white blanket on your lawn. And then the excitement comes to your mind when you think about snowball fights, building snowmen and sledding with your friends.

My favorite activity is sledding. Even though you have to walk up the hill to have a joyful ride down, its worth it and it can count as your exercise for the day. Feeling the wind rush pass you, as you go speeding down the hill makes you feel invincible. And when you hit the jump you feel like you are in space, floating with no gravity, until you bump right back to the ground. After a while the wind picks up and the sun starts to set, that’s when its time to go back inside and make a nice, hot cup of hot cocoa.

My family always has a stock of hot chocolate lying around in the pantry. I pick out my favorite mug and watch as the steamy milk blends with the cocoa powder, then add marshmallows and enjoy. For the rest of the night I relax watching Christmas movies or anything in between.

I hope your enjoy this winter’s snow,




As Thanksgiving is coming and the seasons are changing from autumn to winter we are beginning to plan out our holiday traditions. We are getting ready to visit family or scouting out a vacation spot for the long weekend. Across the continent, we all have different traditions for the holidays, but almost everyone has one thing in common, the food and celebration.

On Thanksgiving it it’s accustom to eat turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and cranberry sauce. We gather around a big table with our family and share everything we are thankful for, or just enjoy the hearty meal. On Hanukah it is traditional to eat latke, applesauce and jelly donuts. We spin the dradle and try to win chocolate coins; we eat with the family and open up eight presents. On Christmas it is standard to eat ham, turkey, lamb or chicken, roasted vegetables, steamed produce and Christmas pudding as dessert. We sit around the Christmas tree opening gifts and peeking into our stockings. As you can relate, these might be some of the thing that you could find on your dinner table or the things that you do the day of.

Then after we pack up all of our holiday decorations we get ready for the New Year. Some are daring enough to go into New York, but most stay home and watch on their televisions as the ball drops. The food is casual, with Buffalo wings, chips and dip laid out on every table. While children fight to stay awake to watch the ball drop, the crowd goes wild as the count down begins. Then the next day you wake up to 2014.

Happy holidays to all,
